Formation Pilates LA


SUZY MAHTERIAN! 34 Visits in 30 Days! Congratulations! Don't forget to sign up for classes and earn your spot at the top next month!

Schedule Your Classes for October! The schedule opens at 7 am on the 27th for priority members!
(Anyone on a 12-Month Membership)
The schedule opens at 7 am on the 28th for non-priority members. Contact the studio for details on how to become a priority member.

Use Your Perks! If you are on a 1-year membership this is a reminder that you have 2 FREE guest passes to use each month! A workout buddy is the best way to help motivate you to keep your commitments. If you're not a 1-year member and would like to become one to enjoy the benefits please let the front desk know. *Just call or email the front desk to let them know who will be attending for advance reservations. The cancellation policy will still be enforced.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual worldwide campaign to increase awareness and promote regular screening and early detection of breast cancer. Early detection can help save millions of lives.

Formation Pilates LA's very own Kathy Patrick contributes to people living with Breast Cancer with her award-winning quilts. She would like to share the pleasure of giving these quilts with you! All month long, we will be holding a Fabric Donation here at Formation Pilates LA, where you can bring in fabric pieces to donate for Kathy's quilts!
The instructors will also wear pink mic foam all month long in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and to remind you to talk to your doctor about your next Breast Cancer Screening.


Andria Ullett!
What is your favorite FPLA move to teach? "My favorite muscles to work are my abs, so my favorite move has to be Abs Using the Ball- the entire series actually!" What do you love about working at FPLA? "It is all about the clients for me! The clients keep me motivated to come in to teach every day :)"
What is your favorite hobby? "My favorite hobby is gardening, I love it because I can be in nature and be quiet- no one talks to me. I can feel the wind blow, enjoy myself, and have some time to be one with the Earth." View the schedule here to see when Andria teaches next! Every Moment of Our Lives can be the Beginning of New Things JOSEPH PILATES
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! We love holidays at Formation Pilates LA!

We'll be dressed up in our best Pilates-wear-infused Halloween Costumes and we encourage you to join in on the festivities. We'll be open all day on Halloween, October 31st, for regular classes. Come get your festive form on! We can't wait to see you on your next visit!
Formation Pilates LA
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28631 Canwood Street Suite D-2 • Agoura Hills, CA 91301 +1 (818) 878-9982